I haven't blogged since October I was told. I started my blog to keep my family and friends up to date on our lives. So far I think I have sucked at doing that. I am sorry! So now that I have a a little more time on my hands I will try to catch up a little bit.
First of all we bought a house! We moved to a house in Taylorsville. We left our little apartment in Orem, and upgraded. It is so nice to not have neighbors upstairs that play their music too loud, or neighbors downstairs with their barking dog. The girls have a backyard to play in. It is so nice to say..."Girls go play outside while mommy makes dinner".
The unpacking part is hard for me. I don't know where to put anything. We now have 2 more bathrooms, another bedroom, and a living room. The other bathrooms were easy , same with the bedroom. The living room is full of boxes still. Don't even get me started on the wall hangings. I just can't figure out what to do with it all. Maybe I will have a wall hanging party to get ideas and input on where to put things. As soon as I get everything unpacked I will post pictures.